How to add STC's; and, Sliding Glass Doors


I've seen posts saying sliding glass doors can be found w/ STC's of 33. What about when you double 'em up? Does this mean the STC doubles? 66?
Yup - that's what we used in Left Bank. We found that one isn't really enough but OK in some situations but loud gtrs and drums etc will need two.

adding STC's

No, unfortunately STC's cant just be added... i don't know exactly how it works (am looking into that now). Will post how they are determined as soon as i figure it out.

I've seen higher STC's in sliding glass doors... also, cheaper alternatives to resilient channels etc, thru a company called ... I'm currently in the process of building my own studio, and supposedly this stuff is easy to use and the results are just as good if not better than anything else you could use. HAvn't decided exactly which way im going to go... But at the very least, this stuff is an option.