Wanting to collaborate with other musicians.


Hey guys, the title pretty much explains it. I'm a musician who writes various types of music and want to explore some new routes. I used Cubase 7.5 and do all instruments. Here's my soundcloud address, benjaminkerkhoff's sounds on SoundCloud - Hear the world if you want to look at some of the stuff I've done. I have a lot not posted. I also play drums in a band called "LJ Johnston" Home it's country rock stuff, but I'm not a fan of country, weird I know, I just enjoy playing music and it helps my two friends who are in the band. If anyone is interested please let me know! I think it would be a lot of fun and a great learning experience.

What did you have in mind for collaboration? Were you thinking of just bouncing tracks back and forth or looking for production/songwriting input to your music?
I'd like to bounce some ideas back and forth and maybe turn it into a production. The music I have on soundcloud isn't well planned out, I'm actually surprised I put it up, I'm pretty critical about my own music (it's a good/bad thing). I've been working on some tunes recently and have made sure everything is working together recording wise and musically. Anyways, back to the point, I'd like to bounce ideas off other musicians and see what results we get. If your interested that would be great. Hopefully, that's a reasonable explanation. Thanks for the reply phriq!
You, by no means, are any different than any other musician when it comes to being critical. I don't think it is possible of being a musician, or any artist for that matter, without being over-critical of you music, songwriting, production quality, etc. I am sure I am not alone in saying that I have recorded many of my songs multiple times trying to get that right mix and am still never satisfied. We eventually need to learn to move on. Regardless, I am sending you a PM with some contact info and what not.