60's Happy Hippie Horror Rock.....


New member
My band (The Humms) and I demo'ed this song the other night in my home studio. I'd like to show it to you guys to see what you think. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you wont. Either way..thanks for listening.

I'll be glad to answer any questions you may have regarding the writing, recording or production of it. Thanks!

A direct link to download the mp3: "Hummwell" http://www.mediafire.com/?4h4d3oyhejd

If you dont want to download, you can hear it at http://www.myspace.com/thehumms


- Zeke
I had a listen to your track, and thought it was a fun energetic track, in fact exactly as you describe it: 60's happy hippie horror rock, with a Farfisa-type keyboard taking me right back. Solid bass, and I liked your drum sound. The track moves along nicely, and before you know it, you are at the end.

But . . . not is all incense and jossticks. I realise it is a demo, so I shouldn't expect everything to be perfect, but there are some things that worry me a bit, and maybe you could think about.

1 At the start, the kit on one side and the bass on the other makes for awkward listening. I think the intention of doing this was to give greater impact when everything kicks in (which it does), but it is a mixing trick that doesn't work for me.

2 The song was very loud, which prompted me to load it up and look at the wave. I saw a series of big black interconnected rectangles (which is kind of what I was expecting), a sign of very heavy compression. The consequence of this is twofold: firstly, the impact of any dynamic change in the arrangement is lost and its loudness is unrelenting, and secondly, when the guitars are firing away, they push the drums right back, and the cymbals become very splashy.

3 Again, it might be your intention to sit the vocals where they are in thee mix as part of trying to recreate that particular sound, but my preference is to give the vocals more prominence.

Other than that, I think it is a fine effort. I look forward to after you have worked on it more.
Thanks Gecko. I really appreciate you going into depth on it. Really gave me some ideas. Yeah i totally see the splashy cymbals. It's mainly coming from the fact that i was hitting a 20" shitty ride cymbal because it was the only cymbal i had laying around the studio that wasn't cracked. Our drummer has much nicer, clearer cymbals but he was around for this recording...you know how it is...you get the itch at 3am and don't want to wait around haha.

I understand what your saying about compression as well, I'll be more careful next time. Stay in touch and thanks again!

Interesting. It's a pretty good song, though I'm not really seeing the "horror" aspect of it.

I agree about the panning at the beginning. Panning an instrument exclusively to one side rarely sounds good in my book.

I do really like the idea of 60s hippy horror rock. I look forward to hearing more of your music!
Well, a lot of people have compared it to vintage horror movies because of the use of creepy instruments (like the organ in the track) and the way we present ourselves to them i guess haha.

Yeah, this is the first track i've ever panned anything like drums to the side. (only in the start) But in all honestly, i kind of dig it. Yeah, it's a bit odd and out of the ordenary, but in a way, that stands out more to me. I like how it makes the listener some what uncomfertable at the beginning. Why be normal ya know? haha.

Well, if you'd like to hear more, here's a track i did last nite. Be Gental, like i said it was only done last nite. It usually takes me a few days to mold over something before i decide if to release it.

"The Stranger Sitting In Your Car" Words and Music; Zeke Sayer (BMI)


I'm so weak
and so beat
I'll sleep
so deep

It's like this and that
and that and this
calling up ya friends just to see what ya missed.
the radio's so lonely
go out in the yard
look at the stranger setting in your car

And so still
just hold still
this wont be
her only kill

It's like this and that
and that and this
take it on yourself because you know what you missed
the moon's so lovely
with the yellow stars
who's the stranger setting in my car

I want to
want you
i want to
need you

Who's in
the car
Who's in
the car

The Devil.

Of course there's always our myspace too. www.myspace.com/thehumms


- Zeke
Yeah, this is the first track i've ever panned anything like drums to the side. (only in the start) But in all honestly, i kind of dig it. Yeah, it's a bit odd and out of the ordenary, but in a way, that stands out more to me. I like how it makes the listener some what uncomfertable at the beginning. Why be normal ya know? haha.

There is more to it than making the listener uncomfortable and not being normal. Many jazz recordings had the kit off to one side. But they used to make three-wheeled motor cars once too. They aren't seen much these days, because four wheels are inherently more stable, and so it is with a kit centred in a stereo recording. And then there is the added strangeness of a kit starting off on one side and jumping into the middle . . . it strains sonic credibility. Weird panning is a gimmick, and gimmicks have some temporary novelty value which can easily become tiresome (think about various effects on recordings over the years and your reaction to them now (e.g. Cher's vocals on "Believe").

There is every reason to be not normal, because challenging conventional wisdom is the way to innovation. However, I kind of like the idea of seducing the listener . . . introducing strangeness with the listener almost not being aware of what is happening,
Good outlook Gecko,

I see what you mean as a "gimmick"..but if you'll say that, then what about mixing isn't a gimmick really? I can totally agree with you though on the fact that gimmicks get old....if used on every other song. Not in this case.

"However, I kind of like the idea of seducing the listener . . . introducing strangeness with the listener almost not being aware of what is happening,"

"Stranger in your car" I found to be a very enjoyable song. I definitely heard the "horror" aspect in that one.

In regards to gimmicks in mixing, there's arguably nothing wrong with using gimmicks in your recording techniques. The previously cited Cher example did make her about $1million bajillion. It's just that gimmicks tend to sap a song's staying power. We as listeners get tired of the gimmick and stop wanting to hear the song.

I think most of mixing isn't a gimmick. In my mind, a gimmick is something that is unconventional for the sake of attracting attention. For the most part when you mix, you don't want to attract attention. You want people to hear whatever message the artist is trying to get across, and that usually means not making any one part of the mix stick out unconventionally.
Thanks for the kind words on the song.

Yeah, i see what you guys are saying, i think i may have possibly gave the wrong idea as to my views on mixing. Mind you, I'm influenced a lot by the "Experimental" bands such as Deerhunter, Blacklips, White Stripes, Elliott Smith and The Beatles (also George Martin)...where there really weren't or aren't any mixing rules, not that i don't like sticking to rules...owning a studio, yeah there are sometimes when I get ditzy country chicks that want to sound just like The Dixie Chicks...or some crap. I kind of do and kind of don't understand what you are saying about Cher...one, because I mainly just see her as a "gimmick" herself, made just to make money and probably generically kept alive for it as well....how old is she now? 112?

I did however enjoy her role in "Mask" though. :)
Man..It all sounds cool...It's great that you experiment ..we would not be where were at if no one did!!!

as far as compression...if your trying to compete with everyone else...your on the right track...everything on the radio is limited to death..if thats what your shooting for...go for it!!

keep it up man...have fun..you can see that your shakeing things up...and thats what its all about!!!!