Glitchy Screen In Nuendo???


New member
My computer has an alright setup as far as memory and speed goes. For some odd reason, even when Im just in the monitoring stage; when I scroll through the main browser that displays the tracks, my computer scrolls through it soooo choppy that when I want to edit a certain track in detail, its very difficult. This even happens when I use the zoom feature. It takes like 2-3 seconds for me to zoom in a little. When I use Cool Edit Pro 2, my screen scrolls smoothly with no problem. How can I make the screens in Nuendo load like they do in Cool Edit Pro 2???? I have the kX Project audio driver with a SB Audigy soundcard. HELLLLP! lol
Yeah, this used to happen to me. I can help here!
Unfortunately, I'm sitting at work, and not at home, so I can't walk you through the menu process to fix it.

I do remember this though:
What you need to do is increase the number of video buffers.
I forget how to access that dialogue window though. I think its in the Devices pull down menu.
I'll be home after noon today, and if you still haven't figured it out, I'll post a detailed response that will walk you through the process.
Ok, well when you have time you can post detail because I really would like to stop that screen from going slow, ya know? Im glad to see a fellow person with that problem. Thanks a lot Michael!! Peace
OK try this:
On the top menu bar, click on "File"
Mouse down to the "Preferences" tab. Click on that.

(This brings up a dialog box)

Next to the last on the left hand side of the dialog box is "Event Display"
Click on that.
On the right hand side of the dialog box is "Video Cache Size"
You can change your cache size with the little up/down arrows.

Mines set at 4MB

Click "Apply"
Click OK
actually, the Video Cache Size, has nothing to do with audio work... it's for caching thumnails of videos, if you're doing AV work.

on the other hand, there is a nifty little check box right next to that cache setting, it's called "Quick Zoom"!
turning it on will make it so Nuendo doesn't draw the waveforms as you zoom in and out - only AFTER you've done zooming to where you want. that way, zooming with a lot of tracks is totally smooth and fast, even if it's a little more difficult to tell how far you've gone in.
Im confused now. Michael says that the Video Cache does da job, but bley says that it doesnt. The zoom trick thinggie worked a little though. Its still scrolls slow so Im not sure what to do. Keep the tips coming. Thanks guys.