Alicia Keys...


New member
Anybody happen to know any details about the recording of this talented young lady's album ? Even any educated guesswork regarding mics and mixing (esp re: harmonies) would be appreciated.


No idea what mics she used BUT MUAHAHAHAA guess what system it was recorded with ? and what converters ;-)

Alicia Keys whole album was done in PARIS ;-) Same system I have, and if some people would actually look into it, you can snag a PARIS rig for much less than people are paying for some of this semi/pro audio stuff on the market.. BTW if anyone knows of anyone I have the following PARIS rig for sale..
I am more than positive "Fallin" Was totally from start to finish, recorded AND mixed in PARIS.. As a matter of fact if someone could prove otherwise I would give away my rig if that tells ya anything ;-)

My comment about the whole album being done in PARIS was incorrect but "Fallin and I believe one other track were sole PARIS recordings

no biggie, but if I prove it, I get your nice paris rig.

Hey, why does the reverb on her voice sound like that. It sounds kind of metallic. I think your stuff is better.
I have no idea why her voice has that sound to it, I know the EDS PARIS verb is soft and beautiful, they could have always hit the outboard button on an aux and used some shit verb box ;-) ..
I think that was the only song by anyone popular ever recorded on Paris. I looked through their artist pages, and that's the only one I could find who wasn't somebody pretty obscure. Contrast that with something like Logic or Pro Tools or even Cubase, and you can see why Paris has such a tough sell.
LMAO Charger get your facts straight bro, Lonestar is a MULTI Plat artist, as well as Chad Brock.. Not to mention how many projects are mixed in PARIS.. Heh and PARIS isnt a tough sell at all, in the PRO world its well known..
charger said:
I think that was the only song by anyone popular ever recorded on Paris. I looked through their artist pages, and that's the only one I could find who wasn't somebody pretty obscure. Contrast that with something like Logic or Pro Tools or even Cubase, and you can see why Paris has such a tough sell.

thems fightin' werds in Nashville......

I agree that the reverb on that "Fallin'" song sounds like doo. It sounds like somebody strapped a tin can and string across the L/R outs...Yeeeech.

I'm not too worried about the discontinuation of PARIS, I haven't had a need to contact the factory for a few years now anyway. I am also looking forward to falling prices, I've got a hungry MEC to feed. Additionally, I would not be at all suprised if ID bought up the rights from E-MU. I would rather have it under the control of a company that understood what PARIS can do. I'm on my 14th full length CD project using PARIS, it sounded excellent for all these projects, it'll sound excellent for many more.

Tom Cram
dbx Senior Technical Support
(801) 568-7530

"Jazz, pfffft...They just make it up as they go along."
-Homer Simpson-
Inteligent Devices is going to buy the rights to the hardware from what I understand and continue the Hardware end of it. Hehe but for right now nothing new as far as hardware is really needed. As long as my software is leaping ahead from ID. Hell look at PT they are still using the same DSP chips and that tin sounding 888 interface. Hardware comes slow anyway.
To be honest, I think the album has one decent song on it, the production is very old fashioned, and the recording kind off sucks.
Just my opinion
Yeah thats why it did so well. And that team behind the album what a bunch of old school nobodys Joshua Thompson, Clive Davis etc. ;-) (insert sarcasim here) Oh well to each his own, I wish I had a decent song on a album that "kinda sucks" that MILLIONS would buy.. Personally I think the song is very cool from both a writing aspect but also from a production aspect..

understand that a mix does not sell a record. A good song sells a record, and fallin' was a good song.

The recording was wack though.

This gives the home recordist some hope. The better the song, the less attention is payed to the mix.
yeah I know "Fallin" was a good song and what i am trying to say is sjko2 seems to think it was just a "decent" song.. Read the last half of my post Cyan thats kinda what I said ;-)
I overdubbed some guitar on Fallin, I kept hearing these blues licks in my head when listening to the song and I though it would make a good Cyber-Twin demo. Check it out, if ya like!

Fallin' Overdubbed