Undecided, again - DAW or Mac for recording?


New member
I was recently on eBay and saw a few Yamaha AW4416 DAWs for good prices.

At the same time though, I've been searching iMac 17" 1.25GHz machines on eBay and see them for about the same price as the AW4416 is going for.

Now I'm undecided all over again, as to whether or not I want to (begin) record music using a DAW or computer (Mac).

I really want to experiment with Apple Soundtrack for recording and know it's Mac or nothing in going that route, along with a nice soundcard, additional sounds/loops on CDs and such. I want to produce Downtempo/Nujazz.

With the DAW, I assume that I'm plugging actual instruments into the unit to record and have no way to use sounds or loops from CDs, nor can I interact with a computer and this device.

Here's my question - what do I need to seriously consider in deciding which option, DAW or Mac, to use as a start to recording?

The Yamy is a nice unit but is limited as opposed to the PC or Mac route.
However a 1.25 gig system is not quite sufficient either.
The Mac G5 would be the ticket although its 5G's.
It depends on whether you prefer hardware or software based recording or both together.
I think you would be more satisfied with the Mac and software setup.
Even if you get a mac you will still spend a big amount on a quality recording card. If you get a DAW yoru flexibility gets reduced, also most of these stand alones only go upto 44.1Khz sample rate and I am not sure about your Yamaha AW4416. CHeck it before you buy. It is absolutely the user preference, if you are moving a lot then a DAW is better, if your studio is going to have a fixed place MAC or PC is the way to go.
Thanks for the replies and info!

Since posting my question, I've searched and read other similar posts which brought about another question:

If I go the hybrid route as some here have done (using a hardware DAW for recording and using a Mac to do edits/effects/clean ups), is it necessary with this setup to also have a high end soundcard in the Mac?

config info

no need to get a mac. heres a budget system with 80 track possibilities.
pc - get an amd barton with 512 ddr ram. cheap sound card audiophile
2496 or multi input RME (solid drivers). check with sound card manufacturer on recommended chipset / amd motherboard.
for multitrack software - i like all the following...all under 100 bucks.
n track, fasoft.com, powertracks pgmusic.com, magix audio studio,
powertracks just released version 9 (29 bucks). its all one needs including very deep editing for clean up/effects etc. no need for a mac imho.
if you think i'm lying go talk to users on the forum at pgmusic who prefer
it to other pkges and why.
just did a little ditty using it called "aint no lyin fool" soundclick.com/bmanning
Thanks for that info Manning! I have to admit, if I'm going to use any 'puter to do or assist with recording, it's going to be a Mac. :)

However, after doing more thinking since posting this question, I'm leaning more towards the Mac only option as my recording solution.

Down the road, if I have a need to travel and do recording, I can then pick up a hardware DAW or perhaps get a laptop and go mobile that way.

It's just that the AW4416 looks extremely tempting at $800-$900 vs $2000+ it was selling for many months ago!

so why are you hell-bent on it being mac or nothing? i'm not bashing you or anything. I'm hell bent on having a rum and coke...rum and pepsi doesnt taste the same
i think the mac/pc thing is more to do with genetics than facts ... some just lean each way. i'm 20 and already too old to re-learn for a mac!!

bmanning1 - good to see you back ... too long since i seen you round here.
:( i remember Apple II where you had the 5.25 floppy and the screen came in two colors...light green and dark green. i remember number munchers and word muchers. i remember apple - macintosh with the color screen and the one button mouse which amazed us. then came windows 3.1, 95, 98 and then i got a job doing page design for a newspaper and had to use a mac all over again...thus the G3s and G4s....its not that hard to relearn it...its just annoying to switch back and forth between the two having both on the same desk. the only thing fun is testing the computers on webpages...PC usually wins in speed and all the pictures being visable
noisedude - thanks for kind words. been very busy.
phreesoal - before making the mac decision , i would respectfully suggest you - i think its on the cakewalk site and various places on the web -
check out the superior processing power of amd processors.
some one on another site just reported an amazing result to me using the new amd 64fx and its speed.
sorry - pc amd all the way for me.