Phantom Power works, Desk doesnt!!!! Help!!


New member
Hi, I have a Soundcraft Folio SX 20 channel desk that I've been using now for a few weeks for some recording.

I just moved it back into the house from the garage to put it back in its hard-case, and when I wnet to power it back on, the power led doesnt come on.
But the phantom power button (universal) will activate, and turn on its led.

The desk doesnt respond to any signal in, and its only the phantom that seems to work.
It is wired up specially for the hardcase, i.e. the psu and transformer connect to a special socket housed in metal (which sits in the case), and into that socket you plug a power lead.
I may have accidentally connected up the socket wires in the wrong order when I switched the desk on the first time, so could this have blown a fuse etc. within the desk?
And is they're any way of telling if its a problem with the desk or transistor?

Sorry for the long post, any help would be much appreciated!!
Thanks, Barry.
I'm not familiar with that mixer. Does it have a power supply (like a rack mountable one) ? Mine crapped out once and part of the board worked (the part that was powered by the part of the supply that was still working) and part didn't. If you don't have a separate supply, it must be internal. Take it to a tech.
Thanks for the replies.
Yeah, it has en external power supply, its a transformer that changes 230v into 17v to power the desk.
I think, (and I'm hoping) that it might just be a blown fuse/transistor in the boards circuit stopping the power from reaching the main desk.
I'l try and get hold of another psu to see if that works or not.