penetrating the moist veil of Newbiehood


New member
Bidding desperate fare-thee-wells to all thing fresh and clean, pure and innocent: fly free like the moth from the cocoon, dusty and hungry for textiles.
It can't be said that I didn't try for something better. My cries of sonic anarchy can still be heard reverberating in these echoey halls and some chat rooms, but that silence that ensued must be broken. In search of a higher level of static and hiss I must move onward in hopes of a better understanding of the dynamics of anti-production.

To the faithful Newbies:
Before the dog food cans are punctured and the guitar-string crossbows are taken up by the tube amp cupids, I will offer you this small metaphorical plaguerised sentiment; Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
Even though I may be assimilated into the rank and files of this community, don't be discouraged from accomplishing the potato rocket launcher settlement.

And know this: I am only 1450 posts away from eternal Newbiehood.
hmmmmmmmm..should I be nice or not?.....

Just once I will be nice.

Post drivel like this in The Dragon's Cave rats.

You MUST own a Roland VS unit......It would seem that Roland users have the same propensity for cheesy prose...:(

c'mon ed. he's funny :)
A new humor to add in the mix here. "Bite me" replies get old after a while.
heh heh heh...

(wondering what rats will be cooking up for the junior members......)
tough guy

Sonusman: up yours toughguy. Seems the only thing you're any good at is being an a hole. That stuff is catchy, now you've got old rats being an a hole. I wouldn't even be suprised if this response I am writing to your original response p.o.'s someone else and brings out the a hole in them, and so on. It's terrible, terrible, the repercussions of aholedom. Why don't you please refrain from reading my posts if you can't contol yourself a hole.
Hey rats, your writting is quite creative. Do you use that much focus when you are writting your songs (if in fact you write songs). If you don't, you should highly consider it.

Asshole yes....respectful to how the site works....yes....

I could give a fuck how creative this shit is. The point is it don't belong anywhere but in the Cave.

I am asking nicely right now, and this is the last time I ask. I don't like having threads that are useful to the forum pushed down from this kind of drivel that belongs in the Cave. Only so many threads will show up on the forums summary page, and this kind of crap pushes legitamate questions to page two, where is WON'T get answered.

Have some respect for how the site works, and you will get the same from me.

You don't have to listen to me, but you will regret it later.....

I love you too rats....
