Your Clinic Folder

I don't have no stinking folder. I memorize all the tunz. he he he

Seriously though, I feel very humble that some of you guys actually have some of my tunz in yo folders. Thanks. And I hope you get as much joy from'em as I do.

participant said:
The List: Are you on it?? :eek:

You left out the several posts by Scott Jones (Scottjonesmusic)... if you remember him.

I would say he is probably one of the best "technicians" that EVER posted his mp3's here, and musically is beyond the average here too.

but...I think his stuff got passed over quite a bit because he didn't post that much, and his stuff was pretty fusion oriented and people probably thought it was dated sounding.

I can't remember the link to his website without searching and all that crap.... lemme try and see if I can find it.
mixmkr said:

wellll....duh!! here's his website

check out the demos...pretty hot stuff.

I just got turned onto his playing a few months ago.Man,what a monster he is.It's hard to believe he's posting on these boards with us losers.:eek: Kidding of course.He does have some killer chops and the videos(you people should check his site at at the link mixmkr posted,some killer vids and mp3 stuff) to prove it.Check out his testimony dont have to be religious to appreciate it.
Hahaha, that list was great.

Especially like some of Chris's song file names like

"fuck_you_1_hour" and "autotune_madness"
Kramer said:
I just got turned onto his playing a few months ago.Man,what a monster he is.It's hard to believe he's posting on these boards with us losers.:eek: Kidding of course.>>>>>>

kinda what I thought at first, actually (not kidding!!), and was kinda ...well.... really supprised his posts didn't get much attention.

Some of his MIDI drums were a little...well MIDI sounding... but the guitar chops... they don't get much better on this planet. Sucker is self taught too:eek:

but...I guess this is the mp3 MIXING clinic and not the mp3 CHOPS clinic.;)
I might have another one up in a couple of weeks now I've sorted out an issue I had with the backing vocals ;)