what do you think


New member
hey guys whats up my band and I went into the studio about 6 months ago i think, anyways www.pawnmusic.com just click on listen and tell me what you think, any parts you'd change add things constructive critizism is appreciated.

We might get like 2 songs mastered now or the whole thing we're not to sure, we have new material that we think sounds a lot better which we may record on our own.
I checked out the first 3 songs. The bad news is I couldn't listen to the 3rd song because the drums were so sloppy and out of time. I don't think its just my ears either. On the first 2 songs, the mix needs work. I think the snare needs to be brought down and maybe more reverb. The guitar sound is not the best tone I've heard, maybe fatten it up.
its not your ears, we werent really happy with the mix, but it was free so we couldnt complain, the drums were recorded were first and they were fine but somethign was a little off somewhere so he cut and paste some sections and moved stuff around. we also got a a new head, the guitarist was using a crate he now has a mesa power amp and god what a world of difference, any ways thats the type of stuff we wanna here,

would a second guitarist build to the songs at all? what does everyone think
yeah, rediculous amount of reverb. haha.

and, not the crispest recording/mix/etc.

what kinda gear was this done with? Your engineer needs practice, haha...

distortion is not sounding mixed at all either.

i think the bass sounds nice though.

vocalist needs work too.

but for free, it rocks. haha.