This track is HOT


New member
I am way excited about this track...BUT, before I get too pumped, I want to hear what this board has to say.

Any suggestions on the mix--I know its not perfect, but my ears are shot from hearing it too many times!!

I should warn you there are cuss words in the song. Dont listen if you think you'll be offended. But hey, this isnt a lyrics board is it?


Too much air-drums and air-guitar in the mix... the air-bass was ok, although it lacked definition.

I thought the air-keyboards sounded tinny and indistinct and there was too much separation around all the tracks.

That air-vocalist has got to go -- hit too many high-notes to even be heard clearly! Air-"Mariah-Carey"-style singing is so out-dated and overdone.... :rolleyes:

If I were you, I'd re-cut this from the ground up and lose all the air-heads!



PS - I was straining to hear the cussin', but couldn't find it -- was this the Wal-Mart release version???

ha ha , funny

yeah, FREAKIN HILARIOUS. They should call this place "Home" Okay, so I was in a little bit of a hurry last night.
I wrote the post while it was still uploading, and had to make a 9:15 movie. I guess I spaced out.
Anyways, to make matters worse, for some reason I have to re-upload the song, so CAN'T EVEN POST A LINK. Sheesh.

Well, I hope all you comedians will stick around and at least critique my track--that is, if I can get my act together. :)

Best wishes,

Don't listen to Bruce, he doesn't know much. I loved the mix. It is the best recording of John Cage's 4'33" I have ever heard.