Signed Sealed Delivered Cover

Hey! I really liked this cover. I liked the tone of the bass and the organ. My initial thoughts listening were that the guitar and drums could be brought up more and the organ brought down a little. Definitely the drums should be louder. Also the vocals sounded a little piercing to my ears at certain words. Maybe compress them a little to tame that. Lastly, maybe using a short reverb on the band. I could be wrong but it sounded like there was some verb on the horns, you can hear the room sound of the bass and drums but the guitar and vocals sounded pretty dry. Using a reverb just to make it sound like it was played together in the same room might help. Hope this helps you out!
Hey! I really liked this cover. I liked the tone of the bass and the organ. My initial thoughts listening were that the guitar and drums could be brought up more and the organ brought down a little. Definitely the drums should be louder. Also the vocals sounded a little piercing to my ears at certain words.

I 2nd this ^^^^^^

Great song !!

I think your version could really work with some tweeks