"Road To Tabriz"

Damn, your stuff is so solid it almost makes me want to give up my entire home recording interest. But then it becomes an inspiration and a motivation for something to reach towards seconds after. The mix is one thing, it is perfect to my ears, but your MUSIC, arrangement, technique and creativity is beyond words. I'm stunned and honestly a bit envious.
Guitars are spot on. Badass tones. I'm not big on lots of solos, but you keep it changing and sounds really cool.

That little part starting around 1:30 is super cool.

Nice drumming.

No nits, nothing...Awesome.
hey, thanks for the kind words.... i really dont want to ever put someone off of their craft, only to inspire.
it takes all kinds to cover all of the available ground that there is, remember your interest fuels your creativity, which fuels everything else, and rubs off on everybody you know, so keep it all positive.

thanks for listening to this one....
i've been trying to really focus on 'solos' becoming more interesting, and somewhat short and sweet, so they don't turn into wank-fests.
This is insanely sophisticated.
I kind of like after the 2-minute mark where the tempo gets halved and the guitars get to breathe a little. The rest of the song is great and everything, it's just so tight and hyper-arranged that it's kind of a relief when it drops off like that.

Of course I could never play any of this stuff. :)
fat fleet

thanks man! glad you like this one.....

it's not THAT sophisticated! heheh
i mean, I'M not that sophisticated.

this one is a more progressive offering, and true to it's influences (brand x, happy the man, cosmosquad, stuff like that) it's more of a one-way journey...

it's supposed to be a trip.......'road to tabriz'.......

and when you go along a road, normally you don't double back...
you just keep going, seeing new sights, learning new things along the way.
thats the way this particular piece was written.

the trick is, to keep the 'riffs', melodies, sounds and grooves changing often enough to keep the trip short, and sweet.

non repetitive, just interesting.
that was the goal, anyways!