Punk rock song - trying to make the best of these tracks


New member
Hey y'all,

This is one of three songs which are suffering from some less-than-ideal tracks. The kick drum was recorded without a hole in the reso head, the guitar was reamped and came out odd.

At this point what I'm trying for is clarity. Please be brutally honest!

P.S. If you'd like me to make the song available in a different way, please let me know!



  • NSCEP2K15_7-18-15_Passing-Cars.mp3
    9 MB · Views: 27
Yeah I agree, the compression sounds to be flattening it too much once everything kicks in. It is indeed a good sounding song.
I liked the energy to the song. Performances were good.

I like the clean-ish guitar on the left. All guitars are pretty good as a matter of fact.

The guitars are just a bit too loud. Not by much, but if it were me I'd turn them down a db or two.

The reverb on the vocal sounded like it was in a different space from everything else.

Not sure it's compressed any harder than a lot of other stuff. One exception is the snare. It has that 22 rifle sound that makes it a bit un-snare-like. Didn't care for the way the snare sounds.

The bass is really boomy. There is some runaway low frequency that's a bit out of control. It could be just a little warmer sounding as well.

There is an obvious mute and a little pop at 3:02. Another smaller pop at 3:35.

There were a couple of times (e.g., :43) where the guitars and drums were out of time with each other. Might be correctable by editing the guitars.
Whole thing is way too loud. At least for me. As i understand its still in mixing mode so no need for -9db rms, 97db volume , and only 8 DR.
It's hard to listen but not so much because of hot volume. It's clipping and overcompressed! But song got potential.
The awful loudness is me trying to "master" the song. I can't afford professional mastering, so I was trying to make it competitively loud. I removed it all this time, and tried to clean it up some more.

One exception is the snare. It has that 22 rifle sound that makes it a bit un-snare-like. Didn't care for the way the snare sounds.

I'm not sure if it's how I processed the snare or just the snare sound we had, but I tried to make it sound more natural. If you can listen again, please let me know what you think!

Thanks for your feedback, everyone!


  • NSCEP2K15_7-20-15_Passing-Cars-2.mp3
    9 MB · Views: 16
Yup, no clipping, way better. Foo Fighters style of music which i like. Good song.
You can PM your mail if you want, i made my master version of your song...
Second version is much better and taking the "mastering" off helped tremendously. I wouldn't worry about trying to get a master level. Just get it as loud as you can without clipping your master and run with it.
I just think the drums sounds a little compressed. But the song and the mix are great, especially in the second one, which is not that loud.

I think the guitars could use a different distortion. A Foo Fighters-like distortion would work. Which amp have you used?
Nice sounding recording. The guitars sound great, so do the drums. Good vocals as well. I listened to the first 30 seconds of mix #1 before I saw that there was a 2nd mix. Mix 1 was very loud, but I didn't think OMG ITS SO LOUD ARRG! Mix 2 sounds a little neutered by comparison, but it's plenty loud. When it comes to making it release-quality loud, leave it to a mastering pro. Stick with making it loud enough for critique at this point, and submit the mix without the master bus compression/limiting to a mastering house.

The only nit I have with the mix is that I don't hear a bass guitar. Otherwise this is pretty damn fantastic.
Yep. Unmastered is definitely better.

The drums could probably come up a little bit. They should really be driving the song, but with the low volume, they're not doing it.

Cool bass tone.

What happened to the snare at 0:45? Was that compression kicking in or a flubbed hit?
Noticed the same thing as VHS at around :45. Just sounds like a flubbed hit. Some background vocal could be tightened up between :45 and :50.

The bass doesn't have much of a low end to my ear.

Audacity is still showing the mix as clipping all over the place. Pretty much every snare hit. But I don't really hear it myself.

Other than that, I thought it sounded pretty darn good.