Post-Rock Songs

I listened to when dreams are not enough. I think its a pretty cool post-rock song. My biggest complaint was the tone of the distorted guitar when it came in. The tone wasn't right, or it wasn't EQed as best as it could have. It needed to be a bit crunchier and less muddy. Good song overall though, keep it up.
Thanks for your feedback. I've learned a lot about EQing since I recorded that track. Just reading through this forum has allowed me to learn so much.
Yeah I agree that the distorted guitar didn't mesh because it was too muddy. Everything else sounded ok though. This style of music is kind of new to me though. I kept thinking "my god what a long intro" but I guess what I thought was an intro was actually the song.
Yes the music is definitely different than the 3 minute songs played on the radio. However, I feel that this style of music allows for much more freedom in songwriting. After listening to it a few more times, I realized that there is a little too much low end on the guitar as well.