an original hard rock tune

warrengtype said:
Just wrote and recorded a new tune. If you could take a second and give me some critique-age I'd sure 'preciate it.

It's called "us vs. them"

Pretty cool tune warren. You have a good voice. I think you need to bring the drums down just a little, they seem to be covering the vocals a bit. Bass tone, and mix is good. I really like the guitar. How did you record that? Again, only real issue I hear is drums are a bit loud.
haven't really got any critiques as im listening in on headphones and don't wanna say anything I'll regret later.

with that said. I love the song.

The song kinda reminds me of the band egypt.

BTW I've got no affiliation w/ them so this isn't just a shameless plug.
Aw, I wanted to hear that band Egypt, but the site appears to be down...

Anyway, thanks fellers. That tune is recorded with the ol' digitech multi-fx pedal ran straight into the soundcard, which is the audiophile 24/96. And I used Native Instruments Guitar Rig for my bass tone. But ah, I hear ya on the drums, I have a tendency to do that. I'll work on it for the next tune though.
great track (i produce nothing of the kind), it's all action and funny.

i would have mixed the vocals louder, the drums don't bother me per se. And singing as well as you do.... you can be proud of this shit :)

what mic do you use for vocals? i just listened to "chokin...." i could be wrong but is sounds like you're using a cardioid..... not as crisp as it could be. it's another good track.

Thanks a lot, man. Uh, yeah I use an sm-57 as it's all I've got at the moment. What would you suggest, though? I've been thinking of getting something more designed for vocals, but wasn't sure it'd be worth the cost or not.
the sm57 is good, i used it a lot a long time ago, but even a cheap condenser mic will do miracles... no need for a neumann for 8,000 dollars.... i paid about 200 for mine, a chinese no-brand thing..... i would check out the budget choices, but mics are personal things, what sounds good for one voice might not suit another. From what i hear on your recordings, a large diaphragm condenser mic is all you lack :) you'll need phantom power and perhaps work a little on the acoustic environment where you record (i've tied a towel around the back of my mic to avoid it picking up the room acoustics too much :D ), so it's not an instant solution, but so worth the investement....

The part that is 00:57 to 01:20 sounds like a finale similar to what you've got at 03:05. The reason I'm saying that is because 01:48 to 02:03 is way too good to be postponed to 1:48. It's yellin' at me saying, "tell him to put me at 0:57!"

The whole thing is great.

I know this is mixing clinic not songwriting, but that's just a little arrangment detail that jumped out at me.
Sampled drums, direct Guitar, direct bass. Mmmm.
Sounds good though considering. Suprised with the guitars, they only really sound fake when the rest of the instruments die down. THe other instruments hide the fact that they are fake guitars.
Not diggin the vocal mix. Not present enough. Try boosts in EQ at maybe 5K or 3K or 12K. Just play about.
absolutely love the bit at 3:08. Cool tune.
madmush said:
the sm57 is good, i used it a lot a long time ago, but even a cheap condenser mic will do miracles... no need for a neumann for 8,000 dollars.... i paid about 200 for mine, a chinese no-brand thing..... i would check out the budget choices, but mics are personal things, what sounds good for one voice might not suit another. From what i hear on your recordings, a large diaphragm condenser mic is all you lack :) you'll need phantom power and perhaps work a little on the acoustic environment where you record (i've tied a towel around the back of my mic to avoid it picking up the room acoustics too much :D ), so it's not an instant solution, but so worth the investement....

Right on, thanks, I'll be looking into that. I don't hate how my vocals turn out, but at the same time I'm not completely happy with them either.

ecktronic said:
Sampled drums, direct Guitar, direct bass. Mmmm.
Sounds good though considering. Suprised with the guitars, they only really sound fake when the rest of the instruments die down. THe other instruments hide the fact that they are fake guitars.
Not diggin the vocal mix. Not present enough. Try boosts in EQ at maybe 5K or 3K or 12K. Just play about.
absolutely love the bit at 3:08. Cool tune.

Thanks, although I kind of laugh a bit when you call my guitars fake. I mean, I know you mean the tone, and that's your opinion and that's fine... but uh, I own a couple nice guitars and they aint fake, and I actually play them, so I wouldn't really say "fake". But anyway, I do own a marshall jcm 900 100 watt half stack, and a shure sm-57. So I could record them that way, it's just a pain where I'm living. The neighbors don't appreciate a cranked marshall at the hours I usually record.

Thanks for taking the time to comment and for the compliments.

Oh, and your band sounds pretty good, I checked 'em out on soundclick.

jdavidb said:
The part that is 00:57 to 01:20 sounds like a finale similar to what you've got at 03:05. The reason I'm saying that is because 01:48 to 02:03 is way too good to be postponed to 1:48. It's yellin' at me saying, "tell him to put me at 0:57!"

The whole thing is great.

I know this is mixing clinic not songwriting, but that's just a little arrangment detail that jumped out at me.

Ha, I hear ya. I kind of wondered when I put that fast part in the tune really early if it might turn some people off. Like maybe someone who hates a band like system of a down might get disgusted and shut it off before the song is even over. But this song came together so fast I really didn't put a whole lot of thought into the sections. And once I wrote the lyrics I kind of liked how they fit the current flow, so I just left it as is.

Thanks for commentin', guys.
awesome song! i would like to be able to hear the voices a little better, the recording on the vocals sounds good but they need a bit more volume. it sounds really good for DI guitar. and good job on programming the drums too, they are arranged very well. and foodoo boodoo de cacka is awesome!! the voice in the beginning kinda sounds like Scott Weiland and Tim Armstrong mixed together, very cool sound. and i love the lyrics too. ;)
Cheers Warrengtype for checkin out SEROTONE, the band are really positive about everything at the moment apart from my broken heel! Ill be playing gigs sitting down for a while, ha!
Yeah it is a bit of a silly saying i use, but it just means that the tone is not from an amp which in my ears is the only way to go. Of course your guitars aint fake, couldnt see you mousing in lots of notes in a music editor using guitar note samples.!!
Wonder how that would sound actually just out of curiosity. I know it wouldnt sound like a real guitar but might get some interesting results.

I mean sampling each string and each fret on each string and then making chords etc with the individual samples. Id laugh and give alot of credit to someone who tried this out. Would be cool.
Cool tune... sounds really tight.
I agree w/ everyone else that the vocals should come up a bit.
Drums sound good, but could come down a notch.

Well played though.... Thanks...