Newbie Tunes


New member
Hi folks,

I just started recording my music a few months ago, and would like to share my results. I play all the instruments, and write *most* of my own lyrics. I'm still very new at mixing, so things don't sound quite as I'd like them, but I'm still learning.

And pardon my singing... ;)

Anyway, the songs are at They are:

"What is Love?" - Lyrics are by someone else... I was commissioned to write the music. Not my personal style of music, but I'm happy with the result

"Learn" - Acoustic intro followed by lots o' guitars

"King of Ever Endings" - Pink Floydish. I think there's a good song here somwhere buried beneath the bad singing!

Any and all feedback is welcome. Thanks alot!

- MIke
First off, when you post a URL make sure there isn't any superfluous punctuation at the end. You put a period after your sentence so the link took me to the wrong place.

Second, I'm not much for signing up to download mp3's, and I couldn't get the streaming audio to work. I think you'll have a better response if you post one song at a time.

Sorry dude,