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I would love to listen to your tune, but I am fully supporting the Clear Channel Boycott right now. In fact the boycott is picking up speed. You might want to do yourself a favor and move your tune to somewhere else.
CENSORSHIP. For firning howard stern due to thier new "indecency standards. Clear Channel and the FCC have both imposed strict new "indecency standards on all broadcast content. It's going to start creeping in everywhere if we do not nip it in the bud. I can't site the show speciffically, but my fiance was listening to a show the other day and they bleeped the word "cathedar". It's fucking ridiculous and it will only get worse if we all don't do something about it immediately.
I am personally proposing something more radical than the Clear Channel Boycott. There is something going on called BOYCOTTALLRADIO I am boycotting all radio as of today. We have to get the FCC's attention TURNOFF ALL YOUR RADIOS INDEFINITELY. Use internet radio as an alternative. Tell everyone why you are doing so. It's easy
Do a search on indecency standards or Clear Channel Boycott to find out what is going on.
I don't get internet in my car so internet radio is out.

What if we just listen to National Public Radio (NPR)?

Does that count as a radio boycott?
Be Loveless said:
CENSORSHIP. For firning howard stern due to thier new "indecency standards.

Nothing wrong with telling a boring, racist loser to get off their airwaves.

Thanks for the link.

I just signed up with them.

Howard Stern is the loser, not Clear Channel.

Why not boycott ignorance instead?

I'm not the biggest howard stern fan either , but that is'nt the point . The point. is tha t moralistic standards are rapidly being applied to public owned airwaves. I own them you own them. I curse and talk about taboo things. Now, acorrding to the government my thoughts are not suitable to be indulged on public property. P. S. Stern is not a racist, though I'm sure someone told you that he was. But he does frequntly use blue humor. P.S. The concept that white folk are not allowed to comment on cultural differences because they are white is politically correct thought control BULLSHIT! OH YEAH, NPR would be an exception until they start censoring too and tha t day is approaching rapidly.