Need some help


Well-known member
Ok, Im using new software and have quite a few new plugins to choose from. Im trying to get all the eq's and comps set to get a descent drum sound. Once I achieve it I will save the presets as a template for future projects. The song Im messin with is called "Who Knows" on my soundclick page. I played it in my car when I went to get the kids from the movie and it sounded ok but seemed to be lacking enough bass and snare. On my mixing monitors it sounds good. I will play it on my home system tomorrow and see how it sounds, but would like anyones input. The tune has a sort of zep rock and roll vibe. Just wanted a simple tune to work with. My lead work sucks as usual, but I really dont claim to be a lead guitarist. Bass and drums are played by me also so they are not the greatest. My ears are tired, so I uploaded it for help. The other tunes on my site I used drums clips so just judge the one listed above.
cool drum sound man, the hi-hats and cymbals sound a little bit harsh, but the toms and snare sound awesome. kick could be a bit punchier, it's kinda buried. but overall it's got a good classic sound to it. nice work.
I have the cymbals eq with the bass side dropped out and highs up. I will lower the highs and see how it does. I get alot of the highs on my snare from the overheads even though I have a sm57 on the snare. The kick had me worried too and your post confirms it. I will change eq on it.
Sounding good but the kick is not present.
It's there but it s heard to hear it.
I don't know if it's reverb but snare and hats are little over processed.
Maybe a good compression VST on the bass drum - tried blockfish? - it has a good drum one.
Otherwise what the other folk said.
Thanks. Gonna try other vst's I have (eq, comps., etc...) tomorrow. Didnt get a chance to get back out to the studio today.