My Very First Post


New member
I've been lurking around in other recording groups and just found out about So far it looks pretty cool.
Anyways, I just finished my newest clip and I need some feedback on it. My band's gonna be recording real soon. You can get the clip at Just click on Our Music and the song is called- Specimen3: Hope.

Here's the info on how it was recorded:
I used my new Marshall MXL 603s mic for almost everything in this project and a SM58 on the right distorted rhythm guitar channel. I used the preamps on my M-Audio Omni studio and used Acid to make the drums.
I refined my technique of making my guitar sound more like a bass in this clip. Basically I just recorded my Les Paul in direct, put a subsynth on it, added compression, and eq'ed out the harsher sounding mids for a smooth low bassy sound.
Distorted guitars were just panned hard left and right (recorded it twice), and a mix of the two channels was placed in the center.

Thanks in advance for the criticism!
No Luck with That Address

Wassup? Did you test this address and I'm just not getting it?

I wanna hear those Acid based Drums.

Some Personal Issues....