music for yall (various)


New member
hi just found this forum and am stoked to find so many people with the same dream as me. to make and produce music. i make all my own music with my friend sandy who helps out with wicked bass lines.anyway click on the picture below and tell me what ya think.
"Falling Apart"

Its definately alternative but are you sure that it is ska?

Oh well it doesn't matter.

Productionwise it seems you have the vocals too loud. The bed sounds kinda junkie which is kool.

Musicwise that is a very cool theme on the piano, really defines it. Wouldn't hurt to have some more cymbal crashes.
reel buzzer said:
"Falling Apart"

Its definately alternative but are you sure that it is ska?

if it's not ska then what is it?
it's only another variation of a theme
please learn your genres.
You're right I need to get more familiar with the genres.

In my ignorance I simply assumed that a ska tune was always 1:50 and the sounds that stood out were the high speed drums, piercing guitars, and horns.

I need to broaden my horizons.