MayFlower - alternative/pop/rock

Just got around to listening to your song (12/26/16) - Merry Christmas! What a great Christmas gift.... as always, you amaze me with your songwriting and recording. As some of the others have noted, the vocal is a little thinner than on your previous songs which would make it easier to mix, IMO, but I miss a little of the vocal warmth that some of your previous songs demonstrated and I think it may effect the overall presence of the song. I might bring the vocal up a hair in the mix perhaps with the compressor. The energy is amazing - I would have to consume 2 pots of coffee to have that kind of energy. Excellent song once again. Excellent recording once again. Sounds radio ready to me.

Haven't seen ya around in awhile, was wondering where ya were. Glad you're back!

I'll look into making the vocal a little warmer on my next track - didn't think anyone would notice the lows/low-mids sucked out of it that much, but very good to know. I am going to guess that a lot of the "energy" in the track is coming from some of the compressors, but I don't know. Thanks for the kind words, but I know there's a lot of work left to do to get it when it could be. Much appreciated Firefly. Happy holidays man