mastered, tweaked Castro - playdead

Kick drum sounds like someone farting in a cardboard box :D I like that guitar tone in the beginning. It's too bad it gets shit on as soon as the bass guitar and drums come in. I think the rest of the instruments should kick in way before the 1:30 mark.
Well, it's not as bad as HangDawg posted... :rolleyes:

The kick is lacking in definition, but it serves its primary purpose - to keep the backbeat. The snare, toms and cymbals sound good though. The bass also lacks some definition. Don't be afraid of the treble nob. You can always EQ it down later, but if it's not captured in the first place there's no way of bringing fidelity from nothing.

You milk the end a bit. I got it - you play dead for me.

Overall it's a good recording, just could be 2 minutes shorter.
Did you say "bacon" in the first verse? I love bacon! :D

I agree about the kick being flabby and soft. The rest of the kit sounds okay. Snare's kind of thin. Guitars sound good. I don't mind the muddy bass for this song. It fits with the kick. :p

I think the vocals are the weak link on this one. They're not sung particularly well and they're too wet, which just adds more attention to the fact that they're not very good.

Just my 2 cents.

hehe good reply's.

it's not my song, i just mixed/mastered.

yeh the kick snare, are very badly recorded, thats the best i could do with what i had, (pissed with the dick i got) :P.

what about overall levels of everything? Atm i think the kicks too loud.

Edit: @ greg - there too wet for a reason, it masks the ridiculous amount of auto tune that i used.... lol