Listen to this!


New member

Okay, I used a mackie CR1604 on drums, along with 57's, two C1's for overheads, D112 on kick, and sennheiser tom mics. For guitars 57's, and an old Fender champ, RAT for distortion. Vocals C1 through a meek vc6q. Violin MXL 603 (I love that mic!!). Recorded through a ST-audio (Hoontech) card at 24 bits, in cubase on an Athlon PC. Mixed on old Tannoy monitors (gonna buy some Yorkvilles, heard them and they ROCK!)
Used plugins: waves EQ, compressor, trueverb, PSP vintagewarmer (very good multiband comp) And then tweaking, burning CD, listening everywhere, tweaking, etc...)

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damn this sounds excellent! very wierd original tune-great chops on all the players-drums sound real-and real ear candy galore-very tight-great band....fantastic A-1 job-I don't hear anything wrong with this-in any department. I'll be listening to this alot-most impressive! 5 stars from me! Amazing journey this song takes you on for under 3 minutes sheesh.
The mix is HUGE and awesome. Very professional sounding. How the hell did you get those drums sounding so great? I just can't criticise the mix.

The song is WEEEEEEEIRD. But still it works. The performance is tight and there's definately some sort of purpose in this song. You have a lot of material here. More than one would think for a 2:56 song. You could stretch this song easily to five minutes. Hell, I could imagine you making a whole album based on this song. Like an overture or something, you know. Great stuff. Awesome.
Oh.. forgot one comment..

I can hear that drummer is a fine tuner... I mean that tuning is beautiful.

For all you guys who want this sound..........Proper Tuning and Proper mic placement can make a drum sound create itself.

If not totally, it's a good start.

I always liked my proco rat. neat-o, "a different path taken" kinda stuff. I like the delays too. A little more "comical" than the stuff I prefer to listen to, most of the time....kinda like Zappa, in a sense. If felt the 'song length/idea ratio' was just right.
Excellent. The clean guitar licks almost have a Peter Banks (very early Yes) sound to them. Everything sounds pretty damn good.
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Excellent original tune dude(it is original isnt it?).very nice recording.........everything sounds pretty solid.
Whaoah - cool vocals!!!!

Loved it!!

The channeling on the drums was excellent.

Are you in the band as well? The style is unique and awesome.

I know this is a real late bump-but this song pops into my head every now and then-but I didn't have it downloaded. It didn't get much attention when it was posted-but this song kicks absolute ass! So-download away!

Sorry whoever I knocked off the front page for this-I owe ya one...