Just Curious


I'm recording on a hard disk unit (Yamaha AW4416) .... and not on a computer. And I'm typically micing acoustic drums. Am I the only person here doing it that way????
From what I can tell, it seems to be about 50/50 on the DAW vs. Computer recording. Mic'ing the acoustic kit is rarer, but definitely preferred. I know Voxvendor mic's his kit. There's another guy "Barometer" that mic's his kit too, but he's been busy lately. Hell, even "Zeke" the 14 year old wonderchild mic's his kit.

I have the room, but I don't have the ability to actually play any percussive instrument in real time without just fucking EVERYTHING up. Seriously, even a tambourine...I played moroccas live once...God, what a fucking disaster that was...Of course, I thought it was fine...unfortunately, it was recorded... I've never tried that again. lmao.
