Johanna (looking for feedback on the mix to improve)

Beautiful song. The clean lead sounded a little roomy to me, maybe try adding some more reverb to it? Sounds pretty polished as is, great work.
Very nice song and playing. Great voice. It's unusual to hear the lead vocal panned hard to one side as you do in the opening part, but it worked for the Doors. Two issues pop out for me. First, the levels seem excessively loud, to the point where you may be clipping your master bus. An atmospheric song like this would benefit by more dynamics. Second, the reverb or delay is pretty out of control. It's all over the lead vocal, making it more difficult to hear the lyrics. It's also creating unpleasant echoes and artifacts all through the mix. If it were my song, I'd strip it back to the raw tracks and remix, keeping an eye on your levels and adding ambiance only where it's really needed.
I thought it was a pretty song. I like your singing - very nice.

A couple of weird things... there is a bass at the beginning and then it goes away, then it comes back. The delay thing with the vocal and guitar right before it kicks in was out of place in a tune like this. I hear a lot of hiss in some sections, then it goes away, then comes back. The drum pattern in spots seems out of place.

The rhythm guitar on the left has some definite harshness to it. So does the riff guitar.

Everything is washed in a ton of reverb. It especially washes out the vocal. With a voice like that, you want it to be heard.

The bass is really boomy.
Creative writing style you have. Very nice song. While the lead vocal delay adds some intimacy, its almost too loud. I would see if you can bring the delay mix down or send it to another bus so you can adjust the volume of it. It just muds it up.