I just replied to a post and it didn't take.


New member
I just replied to one of the posts, hit submit, and it took me back to the post, but my reply wasn't there? :confused:

Anyone else get this problem?
You didn't hear? Anyone with over $700 in PFP can no longer post here!

Just hassling ya, haven't had that problem yet...Ray J
Don't feel bad. I've completely logged out and back in thru my isp 3 times and after half an hour I still can't get to page two. Now when I submit this, if it works at all, I'll have to log off and back on again or it will go so slow my Internet Explorer will time out.
Oh, man.. I just timed how long it took to get to this reply form... 3:22 minutes and it's still trying to load the images. It's painful...

I think Dragon's working this stuff out though...