Guess So - Reconsidered

Erik O.

New member
It's been quite a while since I uploaded new material, but I finally managed to do a new version of "Guess So" (after two years :D).
It's very different from the first version but partly closer to the original (it's a cover) - not in quality, but in style of course :cool:.

This new version was made in a few days and I know there are issues, but I would really appreciate some unbiased/honest input.

The song is here:

and here :

Thanks a bunch and best regards...
beautifully sung! I love the voice, singing style, melodies and etc. The guitar sounds real nice, but the piano is a little weak, repeatitive, too simple and very small in the stereo field. But, that's the only complaint from me, everything else is just great!!

guitars are pretty cool, agreed.
vocals are cool too, very strereo - nice effect.

it'd be cool if the piano was mad crunkt - but i like the subtle effect it gives too - so it's cool still.

you should get a crunkt drum beat up in there.

the synth string stuff rules...what did you do that with, specifically?
A1A2 : Thanks a lot :). I recorded the piano in mono, partly in order to try to hide that it's not the best sounding piano patch (the best I have, I'm afraid). But anyway, I don't think that I'd want it to take up more space in this particular mix, even if it sounded better.
The piano part is rather repetative, but I think it might be the poor sound quality that draw your attention to it.

shackrock : Thanks for the comments :D.
The strings are a soundfont patch (legato strings). I added wide stereo expansion (in Cool Edit Pro) and a good deal of hall reverb to make it sit in the back of the mix, that's all.

Thanks again both, I really appreciate it ;) .
Great voice. There's something about the treatment of the vocal that bothered me, though, sounds kind of like it was doubled and I would like to hear it as unprocessed as possible.

I found the steady ride cymbal distracting, I think it would be nice if it was broken up a bit, maybe an extra eighth note in front of the third beat in each measure, or somehow just jazzed up a tiny bit. If left as is, I would prefer it a bit lower in the mix or possibly with a different sample used, one with maybe a little more bell tone in it. This could be an issue with my speakers, maybe someone else will comment.

My $.02

P.S. I'm trying to be critical, I really like the production.
Tillamook said:
There's something about the treatment of the vocal that bothered me, though, sounds kind of like it was doubled...

Hey Tillamook,
It's actually three different takes, one in the center and the others panned hard L/R, with a small amount of room reverb added to all three.
I have just uploaded a new version with the panned vocals lowered a bit, to make it sound more naturel.

I found the steady ride cymbal distracting, I think it would be nice if it was broken up a bit, maybe an extra eighth note in front of the third beat in each measure, or somehow just jazzed up a tiny bit. If left as is, I would prefer it a bit lower in the mix or possibly with a different sample used, one with maybe a little more bell tone in it. This could be an issue with my speakers, maybe someone else will comment.

That's a rather good catch :). I did lower the bell tone on the cymbal when I started recording, because it seemed somewhat dominant. Then I forgot all about it.
In the new version I've lowered the cymbal and brought back the bell sound. It should be less shrill, now. Thanks for reminding me :rolleyes:.

P.S. I'm trying to be critical

That's what I'm asking for :D :D.

Thanks a lot for the time taken.
Hey Erik:

Is that you playing the guitar solo? If so, can you tell me what effects boxes you're playing through?

I gave a listen to Guess So again. I would still like to hear it without vocal overdubbing, just a straight pristine recording with maybe a hint of reverb, you have a good voice and it's an intimate sort of song, why veil your presence behind processing? Again, just my $.02.

Tillamook said:
Hey Erik:

Is that you playing the guitar solo? If so, can you tell me what effects boxes you're playing through?

Yes, it's me. It's two takes (yeah, I'm a sucker for overdubbing :D) panned a bit to the sides. I played through the POD Line 6 and added a little reverb in Cool Edit Pro.

I gave a listen to Guess So again. I would still like to hear it without vocal overdubbing, just a straight pristine recording with maybe a hint of reverb, you have a good voice and it's an intimate sort of song, why veil your presence behind processing?

Another very good point. The answer is shyness. I can't stand listening to my own voice if it's to naked. I know there are many others with that problem - even among professionals - I just hope I'm one of those that get over it by time :o :cool: .

Thanks again for your observant comments, Bill. They're certainly worth more than 2 cents. ;)