First SONG... would like some feedback!


New member
Hi !

I am a keyboardist/music writer, and until now I just wrote music, NO words or wanted to complete my musics with lyrics.

This is my first song, written in 1 hour (and mixed in 30 minutes...), so don't be too hard !!

I was thinking of this tune, and I sang it while playing the piano, and you can hear it on some vocal parts....

I will re-record this in a better way, and with my Nt2... This was recorded with a GEM Piano, Yamaha cs6r, TC-Helicon Voiceprism, microphone Sennheiser e835... a Behringer mx8000 (i know you all hate them!!), and Logic Audio (where I added dynamics and a little reverb)....

It is in italian, hope you like it.

For the song click HERE!
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the strings are really gorgeous. The synth guitar is a little "midi" sounding, but works....same with the horn at 1:30, or so. I'm not used to Italian vocals, but enjoyed them very much. Nice reverb on the vocals too. You write well on the piano, and not that I don't care for your voice, I would really like your stuff as instrumental. ....maybe because I don't know what the heck you are singing!:D good give yourself two hours for the next one, dude:p

oh shoot...I just reread your post, and said that you don't do much singing...or at least until now. DON'T STOP SINGING. you have a good voice.
Thanx for your time and comments !

Yes the guitar and oboe are a little too synthetic, but for the guit. i will call one of my friends to play it, as for the oboe I think I will just have to look for a better sample and add just a bit of room to make it sit a bit better in the mix....

And thanx for the voice : I am still struggling to understand if i like my voice or not, so your comment gives me some hope :D :D

Thanx again...