Earthcakes, NE1 want to help?


New member
First of all if you listen to the tune I dont expect anyone to actually want to download it and listen to it but I used to make beats when I was like 15 and 16, I figured why wouldnt I get back in to it. So I came up with this tune tonight. I know its nothing much but it just fealt good to comunicate with those spirits and pull the notes out from me. It really is a simple tune though, just wanted to know what people thought since I have never had any feedback because I have never composed. It is not finished, not sure if I will even finish it but thats why I am making this post. Do you guys think I should keep working on it and add a few more tracks. Like harmonica and maybe some more guitar changes. It is not to long either so if you can bare to sit through it I would appreciate it, thanks, peace.

(btw, what does it sound like to you guys, genre?)

The song is called "Earthcakes"
Click to hear "Earthcakes"

The other songs are by a friend of mine that I help produce. But I was tired of not composing anything of my own so I did this, finally. lol. peace.