Country-ish Song - Obviously


The truth is out there!
This is my first new song in long time. Any comments about the song, the recording...anything would really be appreciated. This is mixed (compressed/EQed/effects), but not mastered at all yet.

I'm going to redo the vocals when I get my sm7b back, and write some more/better lyrics, but for now they were done through an NTK and I'm not super stoked on them.

Cool. The instruments are all mixed really well. The solo seems a bit loud and dry in comparison to everything else though. Drums sound cool. I love the snare sound for this. Perfect. Panning is nice. The acoustic sounded pretty full on it's own, but then at least two electric guitar tracks join in as it progresses and they all meld really well. Bass sounds good too.

The vocals seemed kind of thin and dry in relation to the backing. Since you mentioned the lyrics/vocals, I guess I don't know that they measure up to the intrumental performance (which I think is great). It isn't overtly bad at all, just kind of timid and unclear in terms of the message. There's all these references to european locations and it's also a love song, but I'd prefer for the lyrics to be more direct and the vocals more heartfelt myself. No offense intended. It is late and I am buzzed, so take this with a grain...
Cool. The instruments are all mixed really well. The solo seems a bit loud and dry in comparison to everything else though. Drums sound cool. I love the snare sound for this. Perfect. Panning is nice. The acoustic sounded pretty full on it's own, but then at least two electric guitar tracks join in as it progresses and they all meld really well. Bass sounds good too.

The vocals seemed kind of thin and dry in relation to the backing. Since you mentioned the lyrics/vocals, I guess I don't know that they measure up to the intrumental performance (which I think is great). It isn't overtly bad at all, just kind of timid and unclear in terms of the message. There's all these references to european locations and it's also a love song, but I'd prefer for the lyrics to be more direct and the vocals more heartfelt myself. No offense intended. It is late and I am buzzed, so take this with a grain...

cool. thanks. yeah, the vocals/lyrics are getting redone. i just wanted to get something in there so it at least had some vocals.

yeah, i agree on the solo. i'm not sure what i want to do with it, but it is dry and loud.

Any other ideas? I listened on a couple of other sets of speakers and feel like I heard something, but I want to get some opinions first.

The mix is fine. I don't care for the song, but that is due to my personal musical preferance. Don't take that personally though. There are people in the world that don't like Picaso.
The mix is fine. I don't care for the song, but that is due to my personal musical preferance. Don't take that personally though. There are people in the world that don't like Picaso.

thanks. that's cool.

i thought we could be friends aaron, but i guess not :(
drum sounds are great. I would try to focus them a little more. Side chain comp??? Bass is nice, maybe some upper mids, or bus it out and put a little gain on it. Acoustic is nice. I like the tune. Ur voice reminds me of jerry Garcia.
drum sounds are great. I would try to focus them a little more. Side chain comp??? Bass is nice, maybe some upper mids, or bus it out and put a little gain on it. Acoustic is nice. I like the tune. Ur voice reminds me of jerry Garcia.

Thanks! Jerry Garcia? I've never gotten that one before...I've gotten simon, and garfunkel, a lot of smoother folk guys, and garbage (haha)... but that's awesome.

What do you mean by focus the drums and side chain compression? I've never used side chaining on anything before. Does focus mean more promonent, less mud?

Yeah, I thought the bass could use a little more definition, maybe some upper mids would's already a little distorted when soloed, so I think adding more would make it sound like an overdriven bass...but who knows, it's worth a try.

Hopefully I can tweak this some tonight and post an update.

Thanks a ton!
Thanks! Jerry Garcia? I've never gotten that one before...I've gotten simon, and garfunkel, a lot of smoother folk guys, and garbage (haha)... but that's awesome.

What do you mean by focus the drums and side chain compression? I've never used side chaining on anything before. Does focus mean more promonent, less mud?

Yeah, I thought the bass could use a little more definition, maybe some upper mids would's already a little distorted when soloed, so I think adding more would make it sound like an overdriven bass...but who knows, it's worth a try.

Hopefully I can tweak this some tonight and post an update.

Thanks a ton!

yeah, try sending your drum group to a stereo aux track. On that track add some heavier compression with a fairly quick attack and release. Then blend that in with your drum bus to taste. see what happens.
Totally could hear this tune on "American Beauty" or " Workin Man's Dead"