Check Out mY New Remix...Please Give Feedback


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Here is the new one I remixed a few days ago.

A Dream

Here is the old mix from a few years ago. Notice the section between 2:45 snd 3:15 which was dropped from the new mix. I liked it, but no one else did so I gave in to popular demand.

A Dream (Old Mix)

Just for fun, I started putting together an extended middle part of sound effects and other trippy things. It is just in the beginging stages. I was gonna trash it, but a friend wants to help me develop it into something more as he really seems to like it.

A Dream (Space Mix)

I really appreciate any help anyone can offer me, or just comments in general. It helps to get advice from all sides.

And of course, these songs and more can all be found at which is my website.
I downloaded all 3....
The first one is good except for two things....and one is not mix related so I'll defer that opinion...

you have too much verb on your vox man....back off a bit ...I could not understand the lyrics...

The "old" mix is ok except for the part you is spastic musically and clipping like does not blend in or out of the rest of the tune...

The "Space Mix" is the best in my opinion but, the effect from 2:56 to 3:30 is way too long and could use a more involved arrangement.....same thing from 4:24 to 5:20....the rotary flange sounds cool after that

Are the acoustic guits real or MIDI?
They sound a bit thin...tinny...ya know?

Your voice sounds pretty decent man...
Don't hide it with verb...

Everything is "real" but the "space" part on that version of the song. The space part is just a baby. We got a whole range of ideas that we are thinking for that part.

Right now, all of that is from various samples I found, but I intend to add some guitar and drums from the real world so as to hold all the various parts of the "space version" together in some way. I guess some recurrant theme to it all is needed so there is not quite so much randomness.

I was also thinking of adding some ambiant talking at some point way back in the "space-part" of the mix, maybe even played backwards, but again just brainstorming here.

As for the two acoustics, they were recorded with sm57s if I recall. They do sound a little thin now that you mention it. But I can remix it all again and with some selective EQing I can fix that. Or maybe I'll try runing them through my tube compressor to thicken them up. I did that with the fuzz base in the middle of the insturmental as it wasn't sitting well and I love the results. Just compare it to the old mix. It also may just be because the acoustics are so far back in the mix. When I listen to them alone they sound rather full.

Good call on the acoustics joro and I appreciate the advice. Exactly what I am looking for!

As for the delay on the vocal, I kinda like it like it. It's an old analogue delay machine I have. The lyrics are more an "insturment" in this song, rather than the center piece as in most songs. So the lyrics are not really the point. In fact the lyrics are just from a poem the singer wrote. But I'll try one with less delay just to see.

I very much appreciate the time you took to listen and give feedback. It is a big help. :)

Anyone else?