The Cage In The Sky (my first song)

The organ and slide guitar are a little too loud and distracting at the start of the song. I like how it starts to pick up speed and then stops and goes to the solo. I felt like the song just really started to pick up at the end and then it just ended. It seemed like everything was a big intro until the last 15 seconds or so. I think there is good potential here and you just need to work on adding some more to the song.
Lots of potential here because you have talent. The song is a bit vapid in that all I know is how you feel about the subject, not what you feel about the subject. The speeding up gives me the feeling of anxiety or angst, but I'm still not sure what you are anxious about.

You can sing pretty well in a Dylan kind of artsy delivery and you can play guitar. I would work on letting all the different sounds occupy their own space. Something that I've been struggling with myself and I have written more than one song. That doesn't mean that I've been getting better, just that I may have been making the same mistake.

You have come to a very valuable place here to learn from our mistakes. Pay attention. Good start, but you know that's all it is. Finish it. :)
...potential. that seems to be the word on this one. I love the way it starts but agree that the levels are off. would like to hear you expand on this more. Sonically it is as if the guitar and vocals are mashed together too closely especially when you pick up the pace. I'd like to hear more of an obvious distinction between the two.
Thanks for the critiques and kind words. I was really debating whether to keep the organ in or not (it originally ran through the whole song), I think you guys are right it needs to go. I'll see what I can do about expanding on this one, I know it's real short. Thanks again.
I sat down this afternoon with the aim of adding to this and working on two other tunes, instead I end up completly finishing a different song that I had no intentions of touching today. Ha, kind of funny how that works out. I'm stoked on this new song, it's a lot longer and fuller than this one. So I plan to record the new song tomorrow and get back to this one after that.

Thanks again to everyone who listen to this song and gave input. I really wanted to hear what the pros had to say and appreciate the words of encouragement.