Buncha Songs for review


New member
I just wanna know if these are compatible for an album

They're all recorded with me doing all the instruments and vocals on a Mac G3 using Cubase in a basement studio.
I'm just curious....are they competitive for a CD release or should I do a pro remaster of em.
Or even go back and re-do em?
Hey man...take the following for what it's worth...which may be nothing.

Whenever I see a post with a bunch of songs, they usually get very few responses, and I think I know why. The *idea* behind this clinic, (I think) is to get help on tunes that you're working on. People offer their time and opinions b/c it's hard to mix without some outside perspective. But when somebody posts a ton of tunes, most people assume that you're not currently working on any of them...so you're posting for vanity, lol.

I'm NOT saying this is the case with you at all, I'm just saying that people assume it is, so you really might have better luck if you pick one tune to post. Get some feedback, then post another.

I understand that you have explained what you're looking for in your post, but I still think you'll get more feedback if you post one at a time.

My first post in here was 3 songs, and it was 2 too many, lol.

I'm nobody...just trying to get you some feedback.

Oh, and I'm a complete hypocrite, b/c I'm not critiquing one of your songs right now, lmao.


None of them stream so each one has to be downloaded. Kind of a pain in the butt. I'll pick one and give it a listen.

OK I downloaded and listened to ByePremix.

Very nice and definately worth the download time. I can't offer any advice because you are so far ahead of me it isn't even funny.

Maybe one of the more seasoned pros around here will give it a listen.

Nice Tune !!!
