Bombastic, glitchy, experimental prog IDM (or, whatever)

Levels seemed fine for the most part. I'd probably lower the "main" synth a small bit and boost the snare a small bit. General loudness sounded OK throughout.
Loudness seems pretty even throughout on headphones. Some cool sounds in there. Some freaky creatures in that vid
It's got it's moments. Doesn't really feel that cohesive to me though. It seems like there could be more continuity throughout.

The snare sounds a bit wonky a lot of the time; like there's a lot of mid range and not much else to it.

I like the use of modem noises though!
Thanks all. I will indeed lower the main synth (in the intro/beginning right?) and beef up the snare a little bit. Thanks for the tips!!
Great synth work man. The whole piece weaves in and out really well. TBH when the kick and bass come in after being absent for a few bars, it "feels" louder to me. Not a fan of the snare either. I'd love to hear a better snare patch. But otherwise cool track!