Any feedback on my song?

Max Mediocre

New member
I wrote and recorded this a few days ago, and it's one of the first times I've used a lot of tracks (well, only four but that's a lot for me) on a song so I'd like some advice on what to do with it - how to mix the harmony vocals, all that. Any feedback on my singing or just my songwriting would be great too. I'm using the song on a demo CD to get gigs around town.

here's the song:

Well it looks like using 4 tracks didn't overwhelm you. It's a pretty sparse arrangement though with just acoustic and vox so there's really not a lot to get tangled up in.

Thought the dual vox at 1:16 came in a little loud but maybe because it's like it's overloading one of the higher frequency bands, up in the kzone.

Ohhh naught vocals, did I just hear "fucking" in that song?

Well I liked it and you have a good voice and perform well, hope it gets you some gigs around town.
I can't seem to get the screaming backup vocals to fit in with the regular vocals. I'm going to try some cutting around 5k when I get back home. I want it to sound like somebody's yelling behind the singer, but it seems either weak or overpowering depending on how I mix it. Any advice?

And it's funny, people notice the lyrics as being a bit off when they hear "fucking" at the end but not "swimming in afterbirth" at the beginning.
Take some low end off of the backing maybe. and maybe even take some low mids off aswell. Add a bit of reverb and maybe also double track and nudge one track a tiny bit out of time and pan fully.
Song sounds pretty cool.

Guitar sounds a bit dull. I'd experiment with mic placement. New strings?

You have a really good voice.

Your harmony vocals are clashing with the lead vocals. You need to carve out some room in your mix for the harmonies. Both with eq and panning. You also may want to try some compression over the vocal submix. You did put your vox to one sub and guitar(s) to another, right?

All in all a, pretty nice.