Acoustic Metal

Interesting... the tune has a bit of Country in it.

I like the ac gtrs, the overall mix panning and balance, vocal style, elec gtr solo (quirky cool sound), bass, kick and snare (when just on the backbeat). When the drumset gets more active with cymbals, rolling triplet snare and toms I think it detracts as artificial. I like the vocal looseness in style (sliding up to the pitch) but think it would come across stronger if the intonation was more consistent when the sliding finalizes on each pitch.

Nice song.



...... :D

Nice. Good sound quality on this, like the vox. Interesting sound with the acoustic. Indeed it would be completely different on electric, maybe not for the better :cool: The solo stuff is good, mix top notch. I like the drums quite a bit, I like the snare sound.

Yup. Good stuff, with an interesting twist with acoustic. Very enjoyable. :)
I wish my songs sounded like this one. Sound is perfekt!
I do hear metal song here.
I like acc guitar theme. I miss one acc guitar more in the first part of song when you try to put accent in some parts.

Very nice!
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Gorty, STAT1STICK, amra, David K, sikter - thanks for listening and for providing feedback. I'll probably be playing around with other variations of this since it's so wide open...the only thing that held me back was thinking about the "less is sometimes more" thing...but I can still play around with it a bit. :D

Tim - I agree with your vocal suggestion...the vocals were the hardest part for me and have committed to growing in this area. The toms will probably get some rework as well.

VSpaceBoy - Thanks! I actually just did a search on Jerry Cantrell and admittedly did not recognize the name at I do. ;) I've always enjoyed his work with AIC.