Need Help creating a audience live sound

Cal D

New member
I am presently recording a Blues song that is the kind of song that really does well in a live bar setting. It's an entetaining song and it normally really gets the audience going when performing it live.

I want to record the song so that it seems as thoug it is before a live audience. I have a few questions:

1) any ideas where I can get audience tracks (preferably for free ;-)

2) Any ideas on how to mix things so it sounds live?

I am having vocals, guira, lead guitar, bass, drums. strings and horns...any tips on placement in the mix, application of effects and tips on how to make it sound real would be very much appreciaated

I'm not trying to be a smart-ass here, no offense intended
Why not just record it live? Even if it's not in a bar, that would seem to me the best way to have it sound live...:cool:
Good idea from Barometer. The signs of a live recording are usually close miced drums and a bit of dirt on the vocals. Some slap back delay and even playing the vocals through a speaker and rerecording that can give it a more live sound. Rerecording the drums through a speaker can give them a more live sound also.

You can fake an audience by mixing a bunch of tracks of a few people clapping and yelling. Add some long delays of around 1 - 3 seconds with very little feedback and it will thicken it up nicely. Or just go to a bar and record some crowd applause or steal it from somebody else's live recordings ;)
One of the best places to sample a live audience is off of Zeppelin's "The Song Remains The Same."

Unfortunately, it's a completely different ambiance than what you're going for. :rolleyes:
You can also look into some sound effects CD's. I have several that have Audiences, General bar atmosphere, clapping whistling, etc...
You can probably find a sample on the web somewhere for free.
Try using some reverb on the whole song to give a good live stage effect.
Kee the suggestions coming

Thanks for all the tips. Keep em coming.

The reason I don't just record it live is because, I'd need a full band who can learn the song, a venue to play it at etc. A lot of work.

Right now I am doing all of the instruments myself, which is more time efective. Hence, i need the fake live sound.

Thanks everyone