Making loops (not sure where to put this)


New member
I use a lot of samples for making my music, from others but I have gear to make my own samples. In particular I wanted to know how to make a kick drum loop from my jomox x base. I tried recording straight to my mixer to the computer and found that looping the 4 bar phrase was impossible.

I came to the logical deduction that by looking at another kick drum sample that it must be sent to a compressor first. I believe the settings must be fast attack with a long quick release or whatever sounds like it is not there at all.

So if someone could post some tips on looping, I know about zero crossings and making them line up. Perhaps I could do more reading on specificly looping. I know programs try to automatically do the zero crossings and etc but it really takes a human touch sometimes.
Try slicing the drum loop up into its components, in order to make syncing the parts easier, played back via a drum sampler.
I know recycle has all the hitpoints and etc that are useful for looping, but cubase has this feature too. So just use hit points to find the looping points? Are you saying if you just have it loop from hit point to hit point it causes no audible clipping?