60's and 70's mastering simple

too much headroom??THERE IS NO HEADROOM LEFT. Man, you are dense.

walters said:
Back in the 60's and early 70's master was simple what was the sets up like?

I think mastering has ruined the music production making it to clear and way to much headroom

When i use to sit around with my real friends i use to have to crank my stereo preamp and power amp up so u get compression and saturation from the stereo preamp and power amp u loose this also because of master

Was the set up like taking the stereo mixdown and running to a Multiband compressor/limiter and thats it really and adding some reverb to glue everything together

Now of days they have master houses with big 31 band EQ's, mastering compressors,finalizes, headroom gain structures, mastering limiters
etc. and **bass exiters and aural exiters**, **mastering reverbs**

How do i make mastering simple with a simple setup ?
Behri said:
Doubles the loudness of your recordings and sound reinforcement systems without any distortion

Ultimate mastering machine maximizes signal energy with absolutely 'inaudible' and transparent compression

Yup. That's probably what they use. Pro Ultimizers are fine, but stay away from Finalizers.
Get ya one of these also, and you will be all set!: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/DOD-SR231QXLR-Graphic-EQ?sku=180103&src=3SOSWXXK
Nothing simpler or more pro for mastering than a 31-band EQ.
Also remember to keep the bass in the middle, as to much bass on the side is usually responsible for causing the stylus to jump out of the grooves on yer cd. In the 60's, coins were heavier because they were real silver , now with these high headroom zinc coins, the stylus will still jump , even with the hissin, crackle prevention super stylus holder down vst plug on top of it!!!!

For more secrets , order my new book, "flatfingers flat out mastering "
at www.2muchcrack.com
Ultimizers are really finalizers that couldn't quite figure the final solution. You have to get a Penultimatizer. This is one step removed from finalizing. When you send the results off to the Mastering House they'll sigh with relief that it's only almost finished as opposed to totally finished because there's no where for them to go if it's finsihed. It really is a case of finishing 1st gets last.
By the way, Ears isn't modern retro enough - you simply must get the latest: there's a new multiband compressor/limiter/mastering interface that's so new it's name has been heavily influenced by modern cinema.
It's only available in a matched pair - they're called the Buccaneers.
Where do you find Buccaneers?
On your buccanhead!
Oh, the 70's we had a vitrola that you'd have to kick start with a car battery to get enough erghs to drive the monkey fast enough to make the tables turn. (there were 2 tables 'cos it was early stereo). Luckily the RIAA (Rapid Intake Audio Accentuator) EQ prevented the stylii (remember 2 4 stereo) from copping too much damage when the shellac shed.
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