Screen printing


New member
Screen printing has really helped me publicize my band and company. I can screen shirts and patchs for almsot nothing and the best part is is that it is so easy. Lots of people buy merchendise as well because you can now afford to sell the stuff for cheap(I sell um for 4 bucks).

I recomend trying it if you haven't yet.
ChristopherM said:
'K...I'll play...tell us how and tell us how to get the supplies :D

All you do is go to the fabric store and get a kit. its kidna cheapy its around 20 dollars(it comes with everyhtig nu need) and all you do is follow the directions. Pretty simple. You just draw the picture on. Put paint filler in the place u dnt want paint to come through. and your screen is ready
What kind of quality are screen printed shirts? I mean, I've bought printed shirts at malls before, and the picture/art lasts for all of 4 months..
88fingers said:
What kind of quality are screen printed shirts? I mean, I've bought printed shirts at malls before, and the picture/art lasts for all of 4 months..

yah.. it's not the best of quality , but thats why you do it for a punk rock band.