Help! Need to transfer 8mb of music over Internet tonight!


New member

I'm in Texas and I have a song that is 8mb of MP3 and 7:30 minutes long that I want to send to a friend and collaborator in Indianapolis. I tried my email service but it wouldn't handle a file that large. (And besides, he wouldn't have been able to open a file that large any way).
I have an account at IUMA but the server is down due to manteinance. Is there another site I can go to quickly and have my friend download it tonight. This guy is a great musician and very hard to get a hold of. I'm afraid if I can't get it to him tonight, it might be a while before we can collaborate again.


I know this was yesterday but sometimes I transfer files using msn messenger...I've recieved whole mixes one track at a time in wav. format...took all day but it works.