Need some quick Delta 1010 info from you Delta guys...


New member
On the way to pick one up right now and I need some quick info...

Here is your important initial information, followed by my questions...
VIA KT 266a chipset
Athlon XP 1.6
Windows XP

Ok, 1) Which driver version is *most likely* to be the one that will work best for me with the above setup? Everyones opinion is welcome and your reasons for such... dont wanna waste two weeks making it work right...

2) Any other tips, ideas, pointers, quick starts, etc, and such that you can offer, fess up... much appreciated.

Guess I'll check here when I get back with this thing.
1) The newest driver.
2) Use ASIO instead of WDM. Either WDM is flawed, or the Delta WDM driver is flawed.

Slackmaster 2000
I'm back, havent hooked it up yet... pain in the ass...
Anyway, I am using Sonar, which uses those damn WDM drivers... what is the problem, what happens? Have you tried it with Sonar?
Have you talked to M-Audio about it?
Now I'm getting paranoid, since I'm tracking a band in just a few days. Sheesh...
Once you adjust your buffer settings in Sonar, WDM drivers work just fine.

I use my Audiophile with the WDM drivers in HomeStudio 2002 and have latency below 9ms with no noticeable delay when recording/using softsynths.

I should also mention that I am doing this on a PII-400.
The reader in my brand new expensive box wont read the driver CD, although the reader in my old junky Celeron box will.
I am already about to start killing random people. Any ideas?
Don't use the driver CD, download the latest drivers from m-Audio.

As far as WDM goes, the problem is not latency it's lag. I've verified this on my system and at least one other person has verified it on theirs. I posted about this in the n-Track forum if you'd care to read.

This may not hold true on your system, so test it.

Lag is the physical time offset between a playing track and the recorded track. Using ASIO, I see a very steady ~1.5ms lag. This is of course regardless of any buffer settings in the Delta Control Panel, and software inherits buffer settings from the driver when using ASIO.

Using WDM, on the other hand, things are funky. First of all, your track lag will be dependent on the buffer settings you select in the Delta control panel. When I max out the buffer setting in the Delta control panel, I can see as much as 50ms of track *lag* (not latency), which is horrible.

Here's the trick I've found when using WDM. Set your Delta control panel DMA buffer to 64 samples, which should be the lowest setting. Then set your recording software's buffers to taste (I usually work with ~50ms LATENCY when mixing >24 tracks). This will give you performance, but the track lag I see with these settings is ~3ms, about DOUBLE what it is using ASIO.

So far we haven't figured out whether this is a WDM problem, a Delta problem, or a software problem. It has been verified in a couple different configurations using different software.

To test:

1) Route one of your main outputs to an open input using a short 1/4" patch cable.
2) Load up a single hi-hat click track (low BPM), and configure your software such that when you record, the hi-hat track will be played and recorded (via your patch cable getup).
3) Open both wave files in a wave editor and zoom way way in.

I'd be interested to see if you see the same problems.

Slackmaster 2000