Monitor interference - Am I going to have any?


New member
Hi all,

I wanted to ask about this BEFORE I do it, because it is going to be a pain in the ass to do some re-arranging in my studio...

I am planning to incorporate a Television into my set up - so scoring to video can be done easier. I have a mickey mouse set-up right now that invloves me having to do a dang near 90 degree turn to see the TV monitor. So, I am wanting to get everything in front of me this way -

from left to right: Event PS6 - Samsung 14" TV monitor - KDS 17" computer monitor - Event PS6. (see attachment for visual)

Now, I think the PS6's are shielded, so I don't think it will cause a problem, but the TV is stereo and has it's thin speakers on either side of the screen it seems. Are TV speaker mags too small to cause interference? Am I risking any other kind of interference by doing this kind of set up? I have attached a jpeg of the placement design. Please let me know if y'all think this would work okay.


The magnets in my 20/20's are powerful enough to make the monitor wiggle if I get them too close, so I wouldn't rule out having to keep the PS6's a good 8 - 10" away from your monitor.

I'd be more worried about the TV and the monitor interfering with eachother, just as two monitors can interfere. I'm not sure what the scan rate of a television is, but you can't change it, so you'll have to adjust the refresh rate of your monitor until the two jive. Even then you might have to keep them 8-12" apart. The little speakers in the TV might not be such a big deal, but again the PS6 nearest the TV could mess with the TV a bit.

You might consider some monitor stands. Getting those monitors up at ear level is nice to begin with, plus raising them up and maybe spreading them out and angling them would give you the distance you need to make everything jive.

Really you won't know until you try. It depends on all the equipment involved and the position of everything.

All in all, don't be such a damn sissy, Brad. Your mom keeps telling me that you're always asking her over to the studio to help move "the heavy stuff." Spoiled little brat!

Slackmaster 2000
Thanks Slack. I was afraid of that - having to just do it and see. Not because I have to have my mom do the heavy lifting, but because I usually find spiders when I go moving stuff - and then I have to call my mom and have her come over to A) kill the spiders and B) wipe the tears off of my cheeks.

Dude, if I end up needing to adjust the refresh rate on my monitor, is that all dependent on what I have got? I mean, is it trial and error, or can you say something like "60Hz usually works best in that situation" Oh, nevermind - I forgot I need to stop being a sissy.

Man, if I move all of this shit and RE-FREAKING CABLE all of the stuff that I will displace, only to find I can't do it, I am going to pour gasoline on myself and then start playing with flint & steel.
Brad said:
7and then I have to call my mom and have her come over to A) kill the spiders and B) wipe the tears off of my cheeks.

Man, spiders freak me out too. Too many legs. And snakes. Things with wierd amounts of legs. Exept centipedes and millipededs, those guys are ok.
Whew, no spiders.

So I got the above mentioned set up, and lo and muthafreakin behold, Slack was right - the main problem is the TV causing interference with the comp monitor. No probs from the Events at this time. I was able to get about 4 inches between the TV and the monitor at the front - going backwards, the two angle away from each other, so it is more than 4 inches as the two diverge going back. This cut down the interference significantly from where I initially had them, but I still have a little bit. So I tried changing the refresh rate - anything other than 'optimal' made it worse, so that is a no go.

Now, I have heard about using aluminum foil for mickey mouse shielding in some cases. In the absence of a lead plate to put between the two, I managed to find a box that fits perfectly between the TV & the monitor - I think I am going to stuff that box full of aluminum foil and hope it helps.

If that doesn't work, I will leave it the way it is - Do I risk doing any damage to my comp monitor in the long run?

brad, my wigga... is it an NTSC studio monitor or is it just a tv? NTSC monitors have btter shielding, and shouldnt give you a problem unless the NTSC monitor is damn near against the computer monitor..

just stash something in between the TV and the computer screen, its the easiest way..

as far as it doing damage, my partner the idiot has his NTSC monitor on a stand 3 inches to the left of one of his computer monitors, and the screen shimmies a bit... hes used it like that for everyday the past 3 months, and there hasnt been any problems.. when you turn the ntsc monitor off the problem goes away.

ps..attached is a pic of my set up with an ntsc monitor, and i dont have any problems.. look past the letters..

- eddie -
Hey wigga!

Thanks man. It is a regular TV. I tried my idea: the hollow cavity filled with foil, and it helped. I think I am set.

So when should I send you my audio/visual demo? You know, so when you have clients that need music or sound design to their video or flash animation, you can send 'em my way?

C'mon Eddie, help a wigga out!


my wigga, you can send it on over now, and hopefully ill be able to send you something your way.

Edward Natale
Hollywood Talent Media Services
6767 W. Sunset Blvd. Suite 21
Hollywood, CA 90028

question, do you do multitrack recording as well? or just voice overs/soundtracks/sound effects?
Well, I have multitrack capabilities, sure, but I am not prepared to be a commercial facility that brings clients in to do their recording.
I can't fit a band in my studio. I don't know if that is what you were asking, I just thought I would throw that out there. But yeah, I can do all kinds of recording. And I do stuff that isn't for video also, it is just something I would like to get into more.

Or are you asking because your video clients usually want multitrack "stem" masters so they can control the audio? I can do that. I never have before, but I can - in Hi-8 (TASCAM DTRS) form.

If you ever get clients that don't have music and/or sound effects for their video yet, and they need it - that is the kind of stuff I am looking for. But I'll try just about anything - you know that from our chance encounters behind the 7-11. :D

I am in the process of putting together a demo of music and sound design that I have scored to video/film/Flash. I'll send it to you as soon as I am finished.

I guess your business is going okay, huh? Sunset? You got a mansion in the hills yet?

cool, now i know what you do... i was asking about multitracking just in case i got back into the audio production game... if i get anything ill let you know..

business is much better now then it was before the new year , but its still not where i would like it to be, but things are picking up... january is the first month we are actually going to turn a profit since opening nov 1.. if im lucky ill take home 300 bucks :(.. rent sucks.

no mantion yet, but im still working on it.

- eddie -
by the way, if you come across anyone that needs any editing done, send them my way... if you scratch my back, ill su..... nevermind.. :D