How many tracks can you record and playback with at the same time on the digi 002?


New member
A guy I know is trying to tell me that you can record and play back( output ) more than a 100 tracks with just one digi002. It sounds far fecthed to me but maybe i am missing something???
He's probably not referring to 100 separate channels of audio output. You can record 100 separate tracks on your computer (not at once of course) and then play them all back simultaneously through however many outputs the digi has.
The Digi 002 has 8 analog inputs, 4 mic pre inputs, 8 ADAT channel input, 2 S/PDIF channel input, and 16 MIDI channel input. (I just copied all that off of Digidesign's webpage). So, lets see.... 8+4+8+2+16... uh... 38?
Guess I should of mentioned that I was talking about the rack mount unit. But as far as I know it has 8 analog ins/outs ( the 4 mic pres included in that ) ADAT light pipe that has up to 8 chanels available ( I think? ) and the stereo SPDIF in and out. So in theory that gives you 18 ins/outs. But with just analog signals and the 002 you can only have 8 ins/outs going at one time. I have to asume that this guy dosn't know what he is talking about.
I should also mention that he said this in regard to using the 002 as an digital interface so you could mixdown songs on a nice mixing board.
8(digi 002). 8 ADAT, 2 S/PDIF=18 Total Audio inputs
( If you have an ADAT and DAT machine)
Pro Tools LE limits your Playback to 32 Audio track and 128 MIDI tracks.
trogdor said:
He's probably not referring to 100 separate channels of audio output. You can record 100 separate tracks on your computer (not at once of course) and then play them all back simultaneously through however many outputs the digi has.

Actually, you can only record up to 32 separate audio tracks. You can then add up to 256 midi tracks. Now you can also utilize up to around 100 auxillary tracks for bussing, etc. These are all limitations of the ProTools LE software.
in version 6 and later with PT LE you can record a total of 128 tracks........BUT. You can only have 32 of them play back at once, your limited on voices with LE. You can actually have more than 32 tracks of audio on a session but you have to choose what ones you want to listen to, get it? It's similar to the virtual track idea.
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