Tascam Porta 02 MKII


New member
I Just got a Tascam Porta 02 MKII.When I record and play back,it plays back fast .Also I`m useing a Maxell High Bias ICE TYPE II Cassette Tape.The manual says to use a Cromo type 2.Could this be my problem?

Thanks in advanced.:D
I'm sorry to say that I am not familiar enough with that model to have an educated guess on the cause of your problem. I did want to reassure you that the tapes you're using are fine. Maxell XLIIs are more or less the standard type 2 cassette and should perform well with any deck recommended for use with high bias tape.

It does seem odd that it would always playback fast. Typically when you have problems with tension from a belt or motor in the machine the speed of the playback will fluctuate, but not consistently run faster...I dunno...anyone else?