M-2524 first impressions.


Insane Genious!
OK, the first impression is that it's a bit dirty. The second is the realization that the colored caps one some buttons are missing. Searching in the packaging and on the floor I find two of them and realize the have dropped off in transportation.

Why, oh why can't germans pack stuff properly before they ship it? What is wrong with german people? This mixer moved around inside it's box, which is probably how the caps was shaved off. And the box was not eaves sealed with tape, so the missing five caps probably simply have fallen out of the box during transport. Grrr. :mad:

After letting it stand and heat up to room temperature over the day, I yesterday plugged it in and started testing it. I simply plugged in my Korg M1 in one end, and some speakers in the other end and started fiddling around.

It's wonderfully flexible. Some solutions are particularily neat, like doing the aux sends post fader when you turn it right and pre when you turn it left. It saves a knob. :) It took me a while to figure out how to use the subgroups. You have to push the group button on channel 17 to 24, and then you set the group level via the monitor channel. That was kinda weird, but I then realize that you this way can have two sends on the groups. Unfortunately the "flip" button doesn't flip the groups to the main channel, so you can't filter them, but if that gets necessary you can of course simply patch the group out to a channel in. :)

I'm not very used to consoles with proper filtering, but it doesn't take long to figure out how useful they are. Some experimentation and fiddling improved the cheesy piano sound on the M1 immensly.

Ooooh, mixing with this is gonna be such great fun! :)

I've only tested eight of the 24 channels yet, and not all of the functionality, but so far everything works, so it seems good.
Congratulations on the new baby!

It sounds like you are going to be a proud father and rightly so, indeed.

Have you picked a name out yet?

Have you set up a trust fund for its future?

Have you prepared a special room with soft lighting and warm colors for it to habituate in?

Breast or Bottle?....scratch that last one!:eek:

Cheers! :)
No name, no trust fund, but yes it has it's special place on a special desk just by my bed. The lavalamp is still in Sweden, though.
regebro...I just upgraded from that same desk and I can tell you that I reckon you'll have some great times with it....Yeah, the pre/post knobs are cool, but it took me a LONG time to get used to them, I kept zeroing the desk putting all those knobs to far left so there was many an overload to my effects unit.....Congrats and I hope all goes well....BTW I've STILL got mine for sale if anyone is interested (near mint)...
Oh, bugger, the MID filter on channel 18 doesn't work... Probably just a dud potentiometer, but it's gonna be a pain fixing it... Blah!