how do i hook up my behringer composer pro (channel inserts)


New member
there are so many connections on the back of this thing. I am using an Aardvark Q10. So, what outputs of the behringer do i need to plug into the channel inserts on the Q10? i then run the mic *only* into the Q10s preamp...or do I still need to run the mic into the behringer first and then to the q10?
A channel insert is usually a Tip-Ring-Sleeve (or TRS) connection, which means you need to use a special cable with it. This cable will have a TRS (or "stereo") plug on the end that goes into the composer pro, and two separate TS (tip-sleeve, or "mono") plugs on the other end. You need to read your Q10 manual to figure out which connection (tip or sleeve) is IN and which is OUT, then connect the other ends of the cable to the composer pro according to those instructions. Or you could just try it, speak into the mic and see which connections work.

Plugging your mic straight into the composer will get you nowhere fast.

A whole Behringer-related post and I didn't rip on Behringer once!
the q10 has 4 inserts that match up with the first 4 inputs that have preamps......the insert functions as SEND and RETURN so you need a Y-cable to hook it up has to go from 1 TRS to 2 TRS......the end with one goes into the insert and the end with 2 goes into the input and output of the Composer....

disclaimer: if this actually works its a miracle....