Do I need an Outboard Compressor?


New member
Hi there-

I've learned it's a good idea to have two kinds of gear- clean and 'coloring'. I certainly understand why both of these would come in handy, especially with Mic PreAmps. I currently am using a JoeMeek compressor, which adds its own coloration, as well as the Compressor Plug-in that came with CoolEdit 2.0(as well as BlueLines and a couple of other freewares). Do I need to purchase a 'clean' outboard compressor, like an RNC, that supposedly doesn't color the sound, or does the plug-in do the job?

It seems that a plug-in won't color the sound, which is what I'm going for. Why would I need to by a clean outboard compressor? I've read the RNC is very transparent, but with careful editing, couldn't I come up with the same results within CoolEdit, without adding extra noise?

You don't need one. Might want one. There's benefits and drawbacks to doing it either way.

Do you like what you currently have? Are you a believer in getting everything the way you want it during the tracking phase, or are you a tweaker?

If you like to do anything other than very minor EQ'ing during mixdown, then it might be a good idea to save the compression for later, as EQ will inevitably change the dynamics of the track. This might force you to compress and/or limit a second time.

However, if you're the type that likes to get everything right "at the source," during the tracking phase, then an outboard comp might be a good option for you. One thing worth considering is it allows you to use up more of your available headroom, which could possibly mean a slight improvement in fidelity and slightly better S/N ratio as the tracks ad up -- particularly if you record at 16 or 20 bit.
Well, if you have a very dynamic source that you need to tame a bit to get good bit resolution without any overs, and you want it to be clean, then there you are.
Cheers, RD