Reason Kbd Trk out of tune?


New member
In Subtractor, when you turn off the Keyboard Tracking button in the oscillator section, it makes oscillator 2 play the exact same note every time. I understand the advantages to this when using percussion or maybe FM, but why does it automatically generate a note exactly 50 cents between Eb and E? Any ideas
Iwhy does it automatically generate a note exactly 50 cents between Eb and E?

Why not?

It has to be some fixed pitch --- why not that one?

Or are you just trying to show off your note identification / perfect pitch skills...?

No I am not trying to show off my perfect pitch skills, nor realistically my ability to click the cent button until it sounds in tune and then read the number in subtractor. I found it odd that they would automatically set the pitch to a frequency that is not a note in our 12 tone system. I was hoping to find an interesting reason for this setting since I do not know a lot about synthesis, not a smart remark.